E M Peter

Virtual Museum

We are especially pleased to present the exhibits within our Virtual Museum.

The museum is an educational tool developed to enhance awareness, across cognitive levels, of the value of plant biodiversity and the associated traditional and heritage knowledge. A biocultural collection is in the developmental stages, being guided by distinguished Ethnobotanist, Dr Jan Salick in her book, ‘Curating Biocultural Collections’. Our exhibits reach back into history for traditions of plant usage and present tangible contemporary evidence for interactive viewings. We hope you enjoy the developing narratives.

You can meet the Director via the tour of The Living Library at Friendship Plantation in the parish of St Andrew, home of a plant collection of medicinal plants that are prominent in the Barbadian Pharmacopoeia.

The museum is dedicated in memory of Emelien Malcolm Peter, a young meteorologist who believed in public engagement as a bridge between science and community.


Click the exhibit titles above for more information.