Plants and Planting For The Future

The Biocultural Education and Research Programme shared the exciting news of its first symposium and exhibition to be held April 11th - 13th in 2019.  We partnered with PEG Farm and Nature Reserve in hosting this significant event which saw local, regional and international scientists share their research in areas of agriculture, ethnobotany, plant biodiversity and drug discovery.

The global pandemic has led to scientists, in all geographical areas, banding together to examine the impacts and search for interventions.  The gaps in health care delivery, drug discovery, biotechnology, and food security saw rapid developments to meet the global challenges.  We thought it important to have a
rich overall perspective and welcomed other
professionals working in areas of equal importance to the
virtual table April 21st - 24th.
The Biocultural Education and Research Programme, in partnership with Andromeda Botanic Gardens and Coco Hill Forest, will host the third edition of the biennial symposium Plants and Planting for the Future, April 11th - 15th, in Barbados.  The symposium aims to bring researchers, and professionals, in the fields of ethnobotany, ethnomedicine, drug discovery, food systems and biocultural traditions, together for vibrant exchange and to also share with an interested general audience.

Registration Open

🌱PPFTF 2025

Registration Open 🌱PPFTF 2025

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